I started my interest in art at an early age. I was always interested in drawing and painting. Later I went to college at Temple University, Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia. I earned a Bachelor of Science in art education after four years. My goal is to instill a lifelong love of art in learners.
I am excited to begin the year!
The IB Visual Arts curriculum requires specific criterion that must be addressed through art units. Each of these criterion are aligned as tasks on a checklist that the students maintain; throughout the marking period, students work through each task. Tasks will be intermittently graded and updated on PowerSchool.
Students are expected to record assignments in their student planners.
Visual Art is a class designed for all students to develop a deeper understanding and apply the Elements of Art and Principles of Design in their own artwork. In addition, students will develop various art skills and techniques. Throughout the class students will actively engage in various art activities including: art production, art criticism or critiquing and exploration of art history. Students will be given the opportunity to experience a wide variety of art media and develop techniques in their own work.
Tasks are assessed as they are assigned, so students have some understanding of where they stand. However, tasks may be revised and resubmitted (and regraded without penalty) up until the end of the marking period.